Thursday, April 1, 2021

Systemic Toxic Masculinity

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't toss away my thought on Facebook. So, I'm moving this here. I had posted it there. It's in this here blog where you are not required to look at a man talk about this subject. 

I've written a smidge about this in my blog. And given the "situation" with the poor guy who had a bad day... the guy who just maybe overreacted and killed 8 women, I guess I'm gonna Facebook about how he did it because he's mentally ill since he's white. Because all my women friends want to (if not even need to) hear my opinion on it, especially my Asian friends (Commonly all lumped into "Them thar is Chinese,"), so I can tell them what's what.

So, like... God Almighty created the world in 6 days. Then he just wanted to sit back and watch the game. That's all. Just relax and watch the damn game. But he had kids in the house. He built the house. He put kids in it. There was no woman involved, except for the woman he made by tearing out one of the ribs of the boy. She screwed everything up and ate the apple because she was sinful. And she got the dude to eat it too, because he trusted her. It's not really his fault. And this was going on during the damn game. The man just wanted to relax.

God had told them NOT TO DO THAT! "Don't eat the apple," he had clearly said. There's lots of shit in the fridge. Buy stay away from the apples. But NO! The damn girl child HAD to eat a damn apple. So he kicked them out of the house. Perfectly reasonable. I mean, he had spent all this time making a world, for, well, just to make a world. His ways are mysterious. He wanted a world. And kids. But there was no woman with him. He did it all. So shut up and bow! And for His sake, don't eat the damn apple he told you not to eat. He made it an apple so you WOULDN'T eat it. Because apples aren't something people eat.

Anyway, the damn kids kept getting into trouble in the damn yard, even after he had warned them. He was patient, wasn't he, for a little bit. But then, they were still messing around, making noise, mixing fabrics, eating shrimp, touching wee wees. That shit was really pissing him off. So he went outside and drowned most of them. He let a few of them live. Where the hell had they all come from. Bah! Whatever! Just shut up and quit bugging him! He was merciful, so the few he didn't drown, he let them make themselves a boat. And he gave them some pets. This made him realize how great he was. They damn well better realize it too, or more shit's gonna go down.

Well, that little scene went on for a while. But after a bit, he got one of his daughters pregnant. This kind of mellowed him out for some reason. He drank a little wine, learned to count to ten. That sort of thing. An outside observer might conclude there were some issues here, maybe even multiple personalities. But where exactly would we get an outside observer? Hmmm? So shut up!

I mean, it's OK. I forgive you. Just do all the shit I told you to, and none of what I didn't, and later, after you die, I'll drag you back into the house and reanimate you, and you can get back into the fridge and stuff. And you need to understand, if I get angry here and there, I'm maybe having a bad day.

Toxic masculinity is ingrained in our culture. It's the sustenance of hurt. Crazy people consume it, sane people. Women sometimes eat it. The little thought soup we feed our children is served everywhere.

Spice it up with xenophobia. Say some shit here, some shit there. Sprinkle that pepper everywhere. And there you go. Boys will be boys. China virus. They. Etc.

I don't think women, who feel hurt, threatened, angry need to be told about this guy's mental state. I think the guys need to hear what the women are saying for a while. I don't think Chinese, Korean, Black, Mexican, any other citizens need white America telling them that this guy was just doing it because he was sick, when that sickness is everywhere. I think white America needs to listen to other voices for a while. I think that will make us stronger as a society. Strong is good, right guys?

Consider this manpologizing.