Friday, March 5, 2021

Blog post about my blog that isn't this blog

This Frog is NOT the Blog
This Frog is NOT the Blog

JustLee, my other blog, is a different idea than this blog. I have always been fascinated by networks of blogs. There have been big networks, and small networks. And all of that got basically demolished by the social media networks. That's cool. And lots of blogs basically just morphed into websites, which also got pretty much hijacked by social media. That's fine. That leaves me these hermit like blog zones, where I can go create my long antiquated blog network of two blogs that nobody has to read, or can if they wish.

Social media seems like a great place to share ideas and content hosted on other platforms. It doesn't seem like a great place to trust to host your ideas. The profit motive is too dependent on manipulating the actual content and not the sharing, as much as it once was. When I ran Freepressmusic, I actually had relatively good exposure, almost taking it to a higher level, with a mainstream local venue owner committing to backing the newspaper version which would have provided us with a network of exposure that could have been really cool. Coulda, woulda, shoulda, right? The asshole who sat with us through the meeting decided he could do the same thing, took the idea, and just turned it into a giant fart of a failure. People who steal ideas are usually idiots who can't create the ideas, but convince some other idiot of something. I guess I was one of the idiots in this scenario, though, for trusting the thieving idiot. Anyway, most social media is just a very obvious version of that thievery. I'm trying to be less of an idiot for them. 

Interested? Not interested? See, that's cool too. You can read any of the bullshit I post, or not. You can comment, asking what it has to do with poo, or not. But it doesn't have that insidious, addictive quality that makes your life like the soul's consignment to Hell, scrolling through Satan's vacuous cable channels of other people's opinions about stuff they probably don't do shit about, with no show worth stopping on, except maybe the Argue About Shit Shitshow. 

That's why I'm doing this. Yes, there are plenty of other options that aren't vacuous shitshows. I don't deny that. This is just my offering of a potentially less vacuous, and according to my friend Pete, poo-show. That's a slightly less evil version of a shitshow, I hope. 

Anyway, back to the Blog post about the other blog. Yeah, this blog, the one where I am currently sharing this post about the other blog, is one that could be different things, things I might or might not be the only one sculpting. if anyone else decides to post. The other blog, the one this blog post is about, is just my plain old blog: 

JustLee -

Anyway, out of sync, late to the show, irrelevant in a non ironic way, and giving about half a shit what half the world thinks, and not gonna change for the half that I do give shits about, I'm just feeling like writing, I guess. 


  1. Replies
    1. There once was a man
      who only said poo
      it made his friend sad
      but what could he do
      it seemed that his buddy
      had a fecal, uh, is...sue
      He needed to say it
      on every post
      he mentioned it so much
      it seemed like a boast
      poo this
      and poo that
      poo in his hand
      and poo in his hat
      he seemed to document
      every single shit and shat
      this was no big deal
      his friend could feel free
      to ramble on poo
      or heck, even pee
