Thursday, March 11, 2021

LeeBrief: Thursday, March 11, 2021

Alternative Post Titles:

Shit that worries me and can't do much about
Shitty Shit is Happening 
The Shit Currently in the Vicinity of the Fan
Suck Less with the U.S.
I'm not a pessimist. I'm not an optimist. Which, I guess makes me an optimist. It's like the whole socialism scare. There's no such thing as a little socialism. There's just good socialism and bad socialism. Right now the U.S. has bad socialism. It's not like we have a purist economy. It gets lots of government intervention. Really, it always has. It's simply a matter of  where aid and intervention goes. All economies are some or other form of hybrid economy. It's just a matter of how they work, and for whom. So, I'm not a capitalist. I'm not a socialist. But that makes me a socialist, when one does the math. 

Likewise, I'm not a war monger. I'm not a peacenik. Which I guess makes me a war monger. I am not inherently, nor currently, anti military. In fact, there are so many places in the world where abusers and murderous regimes need ass kicking. The problem is, there is no purist approach to this either. It all gets mixed up in God's little playhouse. And most of the time the power is in the hands of the abusive regimes. The military and police state responses are in the hands of those needing their collective asses kicked. 

The role of the U.S. in the world has not been consistently good, nor bad. It can be argued either way. That, in and of itself, makes it good, by historical comparisons. We should always strive to make our influence better. But the alternatives are not better. We cannot withdraw and leave a power vacuum. Disagree if you like. That's fine. But when I play the chess moves out, and look back through time, there is more chance on sucking less with the U.S. That's a good slogan. "Suck Less with the U.S." We never achieved a net positive influence, unless it is judged by the potential other influences. And that has to be part of the equation.

When Americans worry, and when we act, we influence the most powerful government in the history of the world. Our government. Being aware is a good first step. 

To survive, governments must meet certain basic needs of their populations. So, of course, none of these countries is completely without merit. And not all people or governments should be expected to meet my standards of behavior. Luckily, many of my standards mesh up with the quantum of current expectations. That needs to grow. 

These are a few of the things that you need to be worried about:

 Shit about China 

The Chinese Communist Party and the growing PLA under Xi Jinping have undertaken a new and potentially earth shattering approach to foreign policy. They have historically been extremely repressive of their citizens. And they have maintained a general centuries old philosophy dedicated to inward focus and self defense. Even their terrible treatment of Tibet and Uyghurs and their intermittent, post WWII skirmishes with India, Japan etc. allowed for the West to turn a blind eye, because they didn't represent any substantial outward campaign. Boy has that changed. And they have a very integrated expansionist strategy, business interests, state, military, all fall in line with an organized and concerted influence campaign. They have learned well the ways of the West, to be frank. 

Worries - Hong Kong, Taiwan, Debt Vassals, Military investment and expansion, spying and cyber warfare..

This video is actually worth watching for a snippet view of how Taiwan might be perceiving some of these issues. It's sort of a recap without high budget graphics. I dig that. 

The bottom line is, China isn't just selling us cheap shoes and toys anymore, hasn't been for a long time. Between their military's aggressive new strategy, their debt-vassal foreign aid, their One Belt/One Road initiative, the South China Sea claims, just all over the place, China is absolutely the one to watch. Their military investments are skyrocketing. Their repressive policies have not changed. There's a lot to worry about.  

Shit about Russia 

What's not to worry about with Russia/Putin? They/He Are/Is always on the move. The news is usually front and center about interference in elections. But that's just one of many tentacles. Were his goals more laudable, it would be less worrisome. But, like with China, the reflections of society when the shadow of Russian influence falls are not reflections I like. Of course, Americans need to look long and hard in the mirror, and less at their Instagram selfies. But, again, the equation has a pro-America sum to me. Here are a couple of current flames to watch: 

Cyber warfare, Control of the Arctic High North... Russia's worry stew is a little easier to digest than China's. There is a much smaller population, much more obvious goals, less complexity of strategy. But it's no less a worry maker. It's kind of just an organized crime organization with Putin at the top. 

I don't worry as much about Russia's Arctic influence. Russia tends to follow predictable and profit driven approaches. Also, Russia is actually the largest Arctic State due to its land mass. But it needs to be countered where needed. Russia's military responses can be ruthless, but are rarely belligerent. 

The Shit Americans Just Seem to Not Give a Shit About

I mean, of course not all Americans don't care (That negative had to be double). For instance, I'm just one guy living in rural Connecticut who has the time to write a post about it. I do so in between other things. I do so, and try... TRY to do stuff other than write about stuff about stuff that I care about (That had to be triple stuff). For me, it helps hone my focus. It helps churn my thoughts around in the old brain bucket. It helps me say things to a few people who will listen. I don't think many people listen, or read, or follow even the best sources of information. I think people tend to gloss over, skim over, pass over so many things. But such is life. I may just be the proverbial keyboard warrior in moments, the crazy, half naked, sign waving harbinger of doom that hangs out on street corners and people pass by. I ALSO boycott, sometimes (nowhere near enough) show up in person to events, walks, protests, and that "sort of thing." I have organized, run for local office, facilitated communication at local levels, etc. Not enough. Never enough. What does it mean that here in rural Connecticut, after a walk with my wife I still want to write about these things that need to be seen? Who knows. At the end of it all, I did. Maybe that's what it means. 

I know of numerous tragedies. I say, "What can we do?" Well, we can do. We can know. We can spread awareness. We can generate tax dollars and make sure they go to the right places, and not the wrong places. We can go to, or sometimes drive others to, or generally support protests, action, movements. In fact, it's important, maybe even critical, that those of us with firm footholds, with stable situations, with investment accounts, jobs, cars, property, and all that that provides us, speak. I have no idea who will listen.

While we're fighting over the spoils of war, war is spoiling the universe for its victims.   


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